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After the pandemic-driven recession in 2020, the island (i.e., the Philippines) is still experiencing economic and food crisis.
Agriculture plays a huge role in the lives of Filipinos. However, our nation still struggles when it comes to food security. Shortage of food supply coming from the agricultural sector is common. Leading causes are rampant hoarding, inadequate government policies, and unforeseen natural crises. Sharp inflation in food prices are also commonplace. One can recall the onion and chili fiascos in recent years.
In 2023, to combat rising rice prices nationwide, President Marcos Jr. declared a rice price ceiling that fueled further economic insecurity for rice farmers and retailers. The policy caused some short term stability, but eventually dominoed into added pressure in producing food crops and in selling them in the market.
Related to this are the cases of vegetables such as cabbages that are being left to rot or forcibly sold at a loss due to an interesting combination of oversupply and uneven demand across the archipelago, and across producers and consumers. This is food that could be bought by the government and reallocated to starving families.
With the ever increasing population and unpredictable crises, the capacity to produce food for the population is hampered. Sustainable agriculture and food production is needed now more than ever.
You started forming hypotheses and potential solutions
This is to answer the elusive question:
How do market conditions correlate with food crops productivity?
NULL HYPOTHESIS: Economic factors does not have any correlation with food crop productivity in the several regions of the country
ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS: Food crops production in the country are correlated by some economic factors
ACTION PLAN: Analyze and interpret several economic factors and their relation to different food crops production. Additionally, formulate models for important agricultural indicators.
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